The missing link. Spinal Surgery, spondylolisthesis, pregnancy and Infertility

Our bodies are smart. For the last 10 years I’ve had what I would chock up to be back problems. It started in 2008 when from what seemed like one day to another I started to get a pain in my ass. I remember it exactly as I stayed over at my in-laws and itContinue reading “The missing link. Spinal Surgery, spondylolisthesis, pregnancy and Infertility”

Adoption vs infertility 

I’ve put a big toe into exploring adoption, specifically, foster to adopt. I’ve talked to one person in great depths about it and what stood out is you can stop the adoption process at any time. I joke, that once you are prego, there really is not going back, while in adoption there is. IContinue reading “Adoption vs infertility “